Race Results are typically Posted by Monday at 5p.
If you have 10 rounds and NCHSA membership you will qualify for the year-end awards.
We count the best 11 rounds for each rider.
Follow us on Facebook for race updates at Facebook/NCHSA.org
Rd 1 - Lost Valley
9a - Mini D
10:00a - Pee Wee
10:30a - Mini ABC
12p - Big Bike Pro, A, B
3p - Big Bike C
Rd 2 - Brushy Mtn
Rd 3 - Flat Rock
Rd 4 - The Training Grounds
Rd 5 - Denver
Rd 6 - Flat Rock 2
Rd 7 - The Buffalo
10a - Pee Wee
Rd 8 - Brushy Mtn 2
Rd 9 - Lost Valley 2
Rd 10 - The Training Ground 2
Rd 11 - Flat Rock 3
Rd 12 - Lost Valley 3
Rd 13 - Denver 2
Rd 14 - Brushy Mtn 3